Honestly, I am not familiar with these technology tools. I believe that technology is best used when there is only a certain amount of it. I really don't like it when people try to use technology for things that it is not necessary for. For example, my parents try to use technology way too much. I believe this is a common theme in older generations because they feel like they need to exploit every ounce of new technology they can. My parents are a huge fan of the Google homes and voice-activated systems that help you navigate the web or play your favorite playlists. Personally, I think a voice recording box that sits in your living room is a terrible idea, because it has a microphone that is always hooked up to the internet. To believe that this voice-recording system is only "activated" when you tell it to is honestly quite foolish. This is how I feel about a lot of technology. Too many times, people overcomplicate methods by incorporating technology. This has been the case throughout my educational career, from online textbooks to online homework. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. When it comes to my computer, I use the basic functions of it. I know there are a lot of extensions out there that I could use, but I honestly don't feel the need to expand and use some of them.
Too much technology
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